As indicated in another thread, this valve had never been replaced during my ownership of Gleaming Beauty, although a missing washer indicated that the unit was a replacement item from earlier times. Having never done the job, it was with some trepidation that I decided to tackle it. The valve had developed a slight leak during the last few weeks, and with two of the front air cells being replaced at the same time, this was a good opportunity to get the job out of the way.
There are four hydraulic lines attached to the valve body and quite frankly it is best to leave them attached.

Rather than dismantling them, it is better to remove the feeder lines from the copper joints. I also removed the two 10mm retaining bolts from the valve, leaving the bracket attached to the body. That's all quite straight forward - just the correct claw spanner and a 13mm open ender.

I had a rebuilt valve on hand, and attached all four pipes prior to refitting it to the car. I had also removed the bracket that is secured by three self tapping 10mm bolts, and cleaned and painted it. I also took the opportunity to paint that section of the inner guard in the 877 Petrol as with the valve in place, it is difficult to get to all the difficult to reach spots in that area.

.........prior to removal........

Refitting was fairly straightforward - but I would advise to attach the valve body to the bracket PRIOR to refitting to the inner guard - fitting the bracket first, it would be difficult to get the two bolts started.
That area all nicely painted up.....

Regards Styria
There are four hydraulic lines attached to the valve body and quite frankly it is best to leave them attached.

Rather than dismantling them, it is better to remove the feeder lines from the copper joints. I also removed the two 10mm retaining bolts from the valve, leaving the bracket attached to the body. That's all quite straight forward - just the correct claw spanner and a 13mm open ender.

I had a rebuilt valve on hand, and attached all four pipes prior to refitting it to the car. I had also removed the bracket that is secured by three self tapping 10mm bolts, and cleaned and painted it. I also took the opportunity to paint that section of the inner guard in the 877 Petrol as with the valve in place, it is difficult to get to all the difficult to reach spots in that area.

.........prior to removal........

Refitting was fairly straightforward - but I would advise to attach the valve body to the bracket PRIOR to refitting to the inner guard - fitting the bracket first, it would be difficult to get the two bolts started.
That area all nicely painted up.....

Regards Styria