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  • c107
    c107 replied to the thread Car of the week.
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  • c107
    c107 replied to the thread Car of the week.
    Jet 1 was a pretty impressive feat, and all the more that it was based on the stately P4.
  • c107
    c107 reacted to franzerla's post in the thread Sbarro Monster G with Like Like.
    sadly the only other material i got from the car is the actual playboy - its in german though
  • Michel
    Michel replied to the thread Sbarro Monster G.
    That was Amanda Keller in the 'Beyond 2000' series on TV. Wasn't she a good sort as the Godfather would say. 😝
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to franzerla's post in the thread Sbarro Monster G with Wow Wow.
    the monster g was made for my dad and this is the first time i see him actually sitting in the car. he told me a lot about it. there is...
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to franzerla's post in the thread Sbarro Monster G with Wow Wow.
    sadly the only other material i got from the car is the actual playboy - its in german though
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to Oversize's post in the thread Mercedes V8 Inlet Manifolds with Wow Wow.
    Slow progress is better than no progress I guess lol!!! It’s a piece from here & a piece from there, but it’s actually coming together...
  • c107
    c107 reacted to BenzBoy's post in the thread Car of the week with Like Like.
    Car of the week brought to you fromthe Science Museum London -
  • BenzBoy
    BenzBoy replied to the thread Car of the week.
    Car of the week brought to you fromthe Science Museum London -
    • JET 1.jpg
  • Oversize
    Oversize replied to the thread Sbarro Monster G.
    Ohhh wow! Very Interesting historical images! 😉 Is your father still around to ask for more info? 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
  • Oversize
    Oversize reacted to franzerla's post in the thread Sbarro Monster G with Like Like.
    sadly the only other material i got from the car is the actual playboy - its in german though
  • F
    franzerla replied to the thread Sbarro Monster G.
    sadly the only other material i got from the car is the actual playboy - its in german though
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