Splendid service by Mobile Auto Electrician.

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The Godfather
I recently got stuck with an Ignition Lock that simply could not be serviced, nor could the car be started. Looking up Mobile Auto Electricians and Mechanic, it was just about impossible to find ANYONE willing to attend. There were a couple of guys very nice in their response, but I may have had to wait about two to three weeks before they could put in an appearance. One Locksmith at Blacktown after having been told it was a Mercedes, bluntly told me "it'll be at least a thousand bucks" and when I tried to explain that the Dash was removed enabling one to gain easy access, he politely told me "I'm not interested in that and if you don't like it go and f....k yourself". Well, at least a good straight response, but I didn't take too kindly to his language. I just had to ring him back about half an hour later, and before he could say "Hallo" it was me that told him "that I wouldn't s..t on you, so go and do the next best thing and engage in his own personal sex act". Sorry, but that gave me a lot of pleasure and I got in before he could say "boo" - I simply hung after that.

In the end, I did then come across Hassan - an Auto Electrician of really good knowledge of our own 116 series - he had grown up with them in Lebanon as a young person and he knew all about 6.9s - "I love them, a couple of mates have got them" and he was willing to come the following day at three in the afternoon. He showed up right on time on a really stinking hot day (remember the 38 degrees days), drilled out the old lock, installed a replacement lock I had on hand and the job was done. He wasn't cheap, but he knew his work. Actually, it turned out that he had worked for me previously, on Gleaming Beauty, but I could not remember him. Anyway, he is more than happy to come again at any time, as long as he receives a little bit of notice. I figure two to three days notice - so, the man's name is HASSAN, he will ring you back if you leave a message, and his contact...

MOBILE NUMBER IS 0401 770 727.
There may well be another number, but this is the one I have saved in my contact list. Regards, Styria

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