1931 Pierce Arrow

More threads by motec 6.9


The Godfather
Seeing that we are into this site (at least Geoff is), I thought that this somewhat ungainly looking, but nevertheless unusual and rare Rolls Royce is a significant car. What I like about this site and its advertised cars is the selection of excellent photographs that are usually part of the advertisement. With this car, have a look at the backseat and its dubious quality of upholstery - none of the pleats line up. Regards Styria


This has got to be another Rolls Royce to attract the eye. I think it is an absolutely lovely eample of workmanship, beauty and grace at its best. What is with the mascot - aren't those supposed to be worth more than the car itself ? BenzBoy....Regards Styria


Incidentally, if several cars from the same website are shown on TK, it would be preferable to show additionals as part of one single thread, with a heading displaying the name of the website rather than the car itself. I know doing it this way is affecting the post count, but it would enable the poster to create a new thread in the Websites and Links section. I am not making a great big fuss over this, but it could perhaps be considered as an alternative......and just to illustrate my point....

...the Continentals of the sixties would have to be one of my dream cars - just simple elegance and timeless beauty.

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