lost expertise

More threads by sean sherry

sean sherry

Picking up on something Styria said. I have just finished a very interesting Book which traces the History of our development from Hunter Gatherers through Farming to Fossil Fuel dependent societies.
I have one disagreement to a conclusion put forward,,it is that we have lost the ability to repair anything. Computers, our Cars,our Appliances, etc.
Not so...Manufacturers have ensured that nothing is now repairable. Even if it were possible to replace a micro 64 Pin Processor on a circuit board, where would a new one be available ? The manufacturer owns the Intellectual Property that is loaded on to it, and probably the rights to the Processor itself. It's called repeat business.
They have made it cheaper to replace than to repair. With our cars the general Repair Shops are going the way of theDinosaurs. Anything older than 5/6 years has depreciated so much, that to repair is to throw good money after bad. And I'm not talking about maintenance.
An engine or Transmission problem, off to the Wreckers for a low mileage unit from a body damage write off. My written off Golf with 8000 Ks on the clock for instance.
Run an old car I hear you say, no thanks . Had I been in my old 107 I may not be here to tell the tale without Air Bags and crumple Zones.

Broaden the appeal of T.K. says Styria , so does all this qualify ?