Chinese in Australia

More threads by Styria


The Godfather
This story, totally true, comes from a 93 year old lady, born and bred in the high country of Bombala, near the Victorian Border. It relates to an influx of Chinese round about the turn of the last century - there were hordes of them, looking for Wolfram, a high quality metal, and they were also employed by the so called gentry in various roles, but especially those of Cooks - Chinese food is popular today and was at that time also.

One day, for lunch, the property owner, her grandfather, gastronomically demolished some meat pies - delicious, and he thought the best he had ever eaten. Naturally, he was full of of praise and gratitude at the quality and great taste of his pies - plus the obligatory mashed potatoes, of course. Naturally, he approached and asked could he have the same for lunch next day. The reply from the Chef was "sorry Boss, no more puppies - they are all gone". Of course, you will know what had happened - no need for me to elaborate. Regards Styria

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